Katja Smith
Equestrian, Katja Smith, has loved horses since she was a little girl. She has followed her passion through a variety of riding disciplines and on several continents.
Katja holds German certification (Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung) as an Amateur Trainer for Dressage and Jumping. She also has German certification in Carriage Driving as well as Barefoot Hoof Trimming.
Katja believes that “Learning Natural Horsemanship and understanding the true nature of the horse is one of the most important things before mounting these noble animals. Understanding their needs, wants and instincts will make you a better rider.
Starting off with a balanced seat and the knowledge of using good communication (aids) will create a partnership between you and your horse that is beyond imagination.
Being in harmony with the animal will provide you more pleasure than any medal you might win.”
She teaches in English, Spanish and German.
She offers lessons in:
- Natural Horsemanship
- Wester Reining/Trail
- Dressage
- Jumping
- Trail Riding
“I believe horses and their people deserve the very best we can offer, in care, compassion and in training.”